To request a Mass Intention or
to add a name to the Prayers of the Faithful during Mass
Contact Anna Godbold in the Parish Office, 972-398-5419
Before noon on Friday
"(Therefore) Pray for one another...The fervent prayer of a righteous person is very powerful." James 5:16
Each Mass at Seton is said in the honor of a loved one. It may be in the memory of the anniversary of their death, for the repose of their soul, for special healing, or in thanksgiving for prayers answered. Please call or e-mail the staff contact listed above to request a Mass intention. We will be glad to assist you in picking a date to honor them in prayer.
The other way we pray for each other at Mass is during the Prayer of the Faithful. A family member may ask for their loved one's name to be added to the "Prayers for the Sick," asking for God's healing grace. In the event of a death, the deceased may be mentioned in the "Prayers for the Repose of the Souls" and mentioned again in those prayers at the anniversary of their death.
Please submit all prayer requests by phone or e-mail to the staff contact listed by noon on Friday for the weekend Masses. When submitting your request, please provide a phonetic spelling for the name submitted to insure correct pronunciation by the Deacon or lector reading the intentions.
“Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 26:40