If you have volunteered for St Elizabeth Ann Seton in the past, and previously completed the above items, you need only complete an updated Safe Environment training.
Must be completed each year. For those who have seen “Family of Faith” you can update your training by going to the Diocese of Dallas website and click on A Safe Environment.
There you will find a schedule of special programs that you may choose to attend or you may choose from several online training options.
We recommend meeting this year's update training requirement by reading and reviewing the diocese's new Social Media Policy. After you read it please fill out and sign the Social Media Policy Verification and Acceptance Form and return to your ministry head or to Jerry Waynant at the Seton Faith Formation Center, 3100 W Spring Creek Pkwy, Plano, TX 75023 (located in the Children's Ministry Office area) or your may scan it and email it to jwaynant@eseton.org or fax it to 972-985-0431, to document that you have completed the update training.
We will accept new and annual training from other parishes in the Diocese as long as documentation is provided.